But seriously, this blog isn't meant to just hate on HSC. (even if I do...) It's meant to talk about the stuff that, for some reason, never gets talked about. So here's a post about something good this school does, but doesn't really advertise like they should.

Here's the actual juice of this story: During the exam period of every semester, The Bortz Library opens 24 hours a day. This is so that students can finally do that studying that they haven't done all year (oh...there's the bitterness...). During this period, students begin to pour into the library where they can check out study rooms (2 hour rentals...they try to keep them all day), check out laptops (2 hour rentals...they do keep them all day), sleep on our furniture, and leave their messes laying around. Wonderful.
In reality, this is pretty cool though, especially if you're the type of guy that likes to study in a library. The downside, though, is the employment. The Bortz library employs a select number of students every year. For the exam periods, they put out a sign up sheet for these students so that they can sign up for the shifts that they would like to take during this period. Unfortunately, you end up with some student workers who like to take as many hours as possible, and then get no rest. The result? He falls asleep on shift, looks like a zombie, and is ultimately ineffective. And yet, he still gets paid. Surprising the type of things we get paid for around here.
Well that's about it as far as this goes. Feel free to drop a comment, or email me about something you'd like to read. Until then, Fare thee well!
-Written while on-shift at the Bortz Library, hours 1-3 of the 24 hour nightmare.
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